March 23, 2014
I'm afraid that the new is not good. On March 19, 2014 in the morning Bruce Waters, designer at Schiffer Publishing and good friend, passed on. He'd struggled for over two years with cancer and finally, his body could not withstand the attack.
As I look back and remember all the covers he'd created (including most of mine for my own books) and the books he'd designed, I know he will be both remembered and missed. He was a real gentleman and a kind individual. The office will somehow be less without him. I will miss him. I do know that heaven got brighter on Thursday.
Sadness on March 17, 2014
I'm very upset to say that one of my friends and coworkers at Schiffer, Bruce Waters, has entered into hospice this past weekend. Please, please put him into your prayers. He is a divine man and right now he is in much pain from the cancer that has spread within his body. Send light, love, and comfort. It will be appreciated by him and his family.
I'm afraid that the new is not good. On March 19, 2014 in the morning Bruce Waters, designer at Schiffer Publishing and good friend, passed on. He'd struggled for over two years with cancer and finally, his body could not withstand the attack.
As I look back and remember all the covers he'd created (including most of mine for my own books) and the books he'd designed, I know he will be both remembered and missed. He was a real gentleman and a kind individual. The office will somehow be less without him. I will miss him. I do know that heaven got brighter on Thursday.
Sadness on March 17, 2014
I'm very upset to say that one of my friends and coworkers at Schiffer, Bruce Waters, has entered into hospice this past weekend. Please, please put him into your prayers. He is a divine man and right now he is in much pain from the cancer that has spread within his body. Send light, love, and comfort. It will be appreciated by him and his family.
Bruce Waters

I know that many of you are friends because of Schiffer Publishing. Someone else in my office is also struggling with cancer: Bruce Waters. He's a photographer/author (as his book to the left shows) and one of our book designers. You may see his work wherever you look because he has designed covers for years and years. Bruce has been diagnosed with a cancer tumor on his pancreas and has gone through (I believe now) 3 rounds of chemo. He just had a scan last week and it is likely that it has matastisized to his lungs, because they see a mass. Next step is biopsy. He, too, is asking for your prayers. Additional prayers are needed as of September 7, as I've just heard that Bruce in in the hospital with some infection issues. This is not a good thing and he really needs all the well wishes he can get.
Tonia Osborn

Schiffer Artist Tonia Osborn has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is on the same whirlwind that I've been on. She's in chemo now, losing her hair, and staying absolutely positive – the only way to beat it. Prayers please!
September finds Tonia back in the hospital a second time to have more cancer tissue removed. Healing, energy, prayers neeede.
September finds Tonia back in the hospital a second time to have more cancer tissue removed. Healing, energy, prayers neeede.
Michael Newton

Ongoing: Schiffer author Michael Newton is fighting for his kidneys and in dialysis. It's a tough road as well. Again, prayers needed.
Dayna Winters

September, 2013: Dayna, like me, has diabestes, only she's gotten an infection that has taken a chunk out of her leg because of the poor immune system that goes along with this condition. She's just gotten out of the hospital and needs prayers, well-wishes, energy, healing--the whole9 yards.
June 8, 2014
I'm asking for special prayers, thoughts, rituals, etc. for fellow author Dayna Winters. She is struggling with some horrendous health conditions: primary biliary cirrhosis, along with sicce syndrome, and arthritis. She is about to go through a liver biopsy this week, so please: big GREAT vibes for her.
June 8, 2014
I'm asking for special prayers, thoughts, rituals, etc. for fellow author Dayna Winters. She is struggling with some horrendous health conditions: primary biliary cirrhosis, along with sicce syndrome, and arthritis. She is about to go through a liver biopsy this week, so please: big GREAT vibes for her.
Tasha, my wonderful stylist at Hair Cuttery
Tasha is fighting the difficult fight against brain cancer with as much class as I've ever seen. Going through chemo and still cutting hair, dead tired and often in pain and feeling sick, she still works on.
Tasha is fighting the difficult fight against brain cancer with as much class as I've ever seen. Going through chemo and still cutting hair, dead tired and often in pain and feeling sick, she still works on.
Carla Willard
Carla is an author at Schiffer Publishing with an incredibly creative Pick Your Numbers Tarot system. . She, like me, has had cancer spread to her bones. This kind of thing is a hard road to drive, with obstacles that mimic those of the television show Walking Dead. Good day, bad day, bad day, sorta kinda good day. Prayers for Carla please.
Carla is an author at Schiffer Publishing with an incredibly creative Pick Your Numbers Tarot system. . She, like me, has had cancer spread to her bones. This kind of thing is a hard road to drive, with obstacles that mimic those of the television show Walking Dead. Good day, bad day, bad day, sorta kinda good day. Prayers for Carla please.